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Encontro de Redes Cibercrime de Magistrados da CPLP e da Ibero-América

Between 23 and 25 May 2023, in Brasilia, at the Prosecutor General's Office of Brazil, a meeting of the networks coordinated by the Cybercrime Office of the Prosecutor General's Office of Portugal will take place: the Cybercrime Forum of Public...


Between 27 of February and 3 of March 2023, an activity was held specifically for the contact points of CiberRed (the...

Semana do Ministério Público de Minas Gerais – 200 anos de independência do Brasil

The Prosecutor General’s Office attends the Minas Gerais Prosecution Service Week, taking place between 12 and 18 September 2022.

Reunião de Trabalho – Gabinete Cibercrime/Ministério Público de Moçambique

A working meeting between the Cybercrime Office and a delegation from the Mozambican Public Prosecution Service took place today at the Prosecutor General’s Office, at the request of Mozambique.

3.ª Reunião do Fórum Cibercrime CPLP

The 3rd Meeting of the Cybercrime Forum took place on July 2, 2021, by videoconference – this is the forum of the Portuguese-speaking Public Prosecutors (it is a network of magistrates of the Public Prosecution Service from all CPLP...

Reunião do Fórum Cibercrime

The 3rd Meeting of the Fórum Cibercrime (Cybercrime Forum) – the network of Public Prosecutors of the CPLP, dedicated to the exchange of experiences and good practices in combating cybercrime and obtaining evidence in the digital environment,...

Primeira Reunião da Cyber South Judicial Network

It will take place today and tomorrow at the Prosecutor General's Office the first meeting of the Cyber ​​South Judicial Network.

Reunião com representantes da autoridade central norte-americana, US Department of Justice, sobre cooperação judiciária internacional em matéria penal

A meeting with representatives of the US Central Authority, the US Department of Justice, was held at the Office of the Prosecutor Generals’ Office, for bilateral consultations on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
