Inspection of the Public Prosecution Service

The Inspection of the Public Prosecution Service/PPS operates next to the High Council of the Public Prosecution Service, on which it is incumbent to carry out investigations and disciplinary proceedings and to collect information on the service and merit of public prosecutors, (article 35 of the Statute of the Public Prosecution Service/SPPS).

It is composed of public prosecutors, in a number approved by the High Council of the Public Prosecution Service (article 41(1) of the SPPS).

The Inspectors are appointed, on a temporary assignment, from among public deputy prosecutor general or state prosecutor (these with a total length of service not less than fifteen years and who must be evaluated, with service evaluation of Very Good.

The Inspection Secretaries are recruited from among justice officials on a temporary assignment.

The coordinating inspector appointed by the Superior Council of the Public Prosecution Service is responsible for: collaborating in the preparation of the annual inspection plan; submit a report on Inspection activity; submit proposals for improving the inspection service and its regulations, as well as training proposals for inspectors and prosecutors; ensure coordination betwen the inspection services and the High Council of the Judiciary and the Council of Justice Officials; propose measures to harmonize inspection criteria and evaluation criteria; propose appropriate measures for the systematic treatment of management indicators and other relevant information on the activity of the Public Prosecution Service (article 42 of the SPPS).