Constitutional Court

It is specifically incumbent on the Constitutional Court/CC to administrate justice in matters of constitutional-law nature. In this sense, the CC has to assess the unconstitutionality and the illegality pursuant to articles 277, 283 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic/CPR and to its organic law, i.e. Law No. 28/82 of 15 November 1982 (articles 221, 223 of the CPR; 30 of the Law on the Judicial System Organisation/Law Nº 62/2013 of 26 August 2013).

With seat in Lisbon, the CC exercises its jurisdiction in the scope of the entire Portuguese legal system, and compliance with its decisions is compulsory for all public and private entities. The CC decisions prevail over those taken by other courts or by any other authority (articles 1, 2 of Law No. 28/82 of 15 November 1982).

The CC is composed of thirteen Justices (ten of whom are nominated by the Assembly of the Republic and three co-opted by the latter), its competence, organisation and operation being laid down in the Constitution and in Law No. 28/82 of 15 November 1982 [article 30(2) of Law No. 62/2013 of 26 August 2013].

The Public Prosecution Service/PPS is represented at the Constitutional Court by the Prosecutor General, who may be assisted and substituted by the Vice-Prosecutor General and by deputy prosecutors general on temporary assignment [articles 8(1/a), 19(1/b), 20, 172 of the Statute of the Public Prosecution Service/SPPS; 44 of Law No. 28/82 of 15 November 1982].

The co-ordination of the PPS representation at the CC is ensured by one of the deputy prosecutors general nominated by the Prosecutor General every two years [article 20(3) of the SPPS].


João Manuel da Silva Possante

Co-ordinatorJoão Manuel da Silva Possante, deputy prosecutor general 


Rua de "O Século", n.º 111, 1249-117 Lisboa
Telephone: (351) 213 233 778/233 779
Fax: (351) 213 233 666