
Born in Lisbon on 26 August 1956.

Obtained the degree in Law granted by the School of Law, Lisbon University, in 1978.

Admitted to the Centre for Judicial Studies in 1980.

Entered the Public Prosecution Service in 1981 as Deputy District Prosecutor, having carried out duties both at the Civil Chambers and at a Correctional Chamber.

Promoted to District Prosecutor in 1994, having carried out duties at a Criminal Chamber in Lisbon, at the Lisbon Department for Criminal Investigation and Prosecution (DIAP) and at the Lisbon Court for Family and Juvenile Matters.

Carried duties at the Lisbon Department for Criminal Investigation and Prosecution, first at a generic competence chamber and later at a section specialised in criminal offences committed by persons holding public or political offices, corruption, money laundering and financial and economic crime.

From 2002 to 2005 held the office of District Prosecutor responsible for the coordination of Public Prosecutors placed at the Lisbon Court for Family and Juvenile Matters.

Promoted to Deputy Prosecutor General in September 2005. From 2005 to 2012 held office at the Lisbon District Deputy Prosecutor General’s Office, having represented the Public Prosecution Service at a criminal chamber of the Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa [Lisbon Court of Appeal]. Carried duties in the scope of the international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and led criminal inquiries intended to assess the Prosecutors’ criminal liability.

Between 2006 and 2012 held the office of District Coordinator of the Public Prosecutors who carried first instance duties in the family and juvenile jurisdiction.

Between 2012 and 2016 taught at the Centre for Judicial Studies, where she also held the office of coordinator of the family and juvenile area. Participated in the design and drafting of several E-Books, in particular “Violência Doméstica – implicações sociológicas, psicológicas e jurídicas do fenómeno” [Domestic Violence – sociological, psychological and legal impact of the phenomenon].

Held the office of director of the Lisbon Department for Criminal Investigation and Prosecution in 2016-2017.

Has carried duties at the Prosecutor General’s Office since 2017, having set up and implemented a national-wide prosecutors’ coordination bureau on family, children and young people matters, the coordination of which was also entrusted to her.

Since 2009 has represented the Prosecutor General’s Office at the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People at Risk and at the National Commission for the Promotion of Rights and the Protection of Children and Young People.  

Between 2014 and 2015 coordinated the legislative commission for the review of the legal framework on the adoption process.

Joined the editorial boards of both the Public Prosecution Service Journal and the Centre for Judicial Studies Journal.


On 12 October 2012 Lucília Maria das Neves Franco Morgadinho Gago took office as Prosecutor General of the Republic .


Tomada de posse da Procuradora-Geral da República