Technologies and Information Systems Department

The Technologies and Information Systems Department functions under the Prosecutor General's Office and is responsible for coordinating and managing the information systems and technologies of the Public Prosecution Service (articles 15(3) and 53(1) of the Statute of the Public Prosecution Service/SPPS).

Its responsibilities are laid down in article 47 of the SPPS:

seta right 1521 Propose to the Prosecutor General the lines of action for the definition of the strategy of management of the information systems of the Public Prosecution Service;

seta right 1521 Plan, promote the development and manage applications and other systems to support the proper functioning of the organs, departments and services of the Public Prosecution Service, ensuring their uniformity and centralization;

seta right 1521 Create, maintain and improve the public prosecutor's statistics;

seta right 1521 Ensure the support to users of information systems and maintain technological and information structures;

seta right 1521 Promote the creation of interoperability mechanisms between the public prosecutor's computer systems and the information systems supporting the activity of the courts, as well as those of other entities with which it relates;

seta right 1521 Ensuring the security of information, systems and IT infrastructures, in conjunction with entities and bodies with responsibilities in this area.

seta right 1521 Ensure the representation of the Prosecutor General's Office in computerization projects relevant to the activity of the courts;

seta right 1521 Propose and ensure information systems training programs.

This department is led by an deputy prosecutor general, or a state prosecutor, on a temporary assignment, proposed by the prosecutor general and appointed by the article 166 of the SPPS.


João Manuel de Matos Ramos - Diretor DTSI


DirectorJoão Manuel de Matos Ramos, Deputy Prosecutor General


Rua do Vale de Pereiro, n.º 2 - 3.º,  1269-113 Lisboa
