Public Prosecution Service of Portugal

Welcoming Remarks

To be the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Portugal is to make a commitment to the citizens who expect the…
Welcoming Remarks

Meeting of Cybercrime Networks of Prosecutors from CPLP and Ibero-America

Between 23 and 25 May 2023, in Brasilia, at the Prosecutor General's Office of Brazil, a meeting of the networks…
Meeting of Cybercrime Networks of Prosecutors from CPLP and Ibero-America

Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention (meeting of CiberRed, the Ibero-American Network of Prosecutors Specialized in Cybercrime - February 27 to March 3, 2023)

Between 27 of February and 3 of March 2023, an activity was held specifically for the contact points of CiberRed (the…
Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention (meeting of CiberRed, the Ibero-American Netwo

Week of the Prosecution Service of Minas Gerais – 200 years of the independence of Brazil

The Prosecutor General’s Office attends the Minas Gerais Prosecution Service Week, taking place between 12 and 18…
Week of the Prosecution Service of Minas Gerais – 200 years of the independence of Brazil

Meeting – Cybercrime Office/Public Prosecution Service of Mozambique

A working meeting between the Cybercrime Office and a delegation from the Mozambican Public Prosecution Service took…
Meeting – Cybercrime Office/Public Prosecution Service of Mozambique

Public Prosecution Service

The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) is a constitutional body entrusted with powers to prosecute, to participate in the implementation of the criminal policy defined by the sovereignty entities, to represent the State and to defend the democratic legality and the interests laid down by the law [Article 219(1) of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic/CPR].

The PPS has its own statute, being considered an autonomous magistracy from a procedural standpoint. Such autonomy is expressed through (i) the non-interference of other powers in its operation, and (ii) its concept as a distinct magistracy guided by the principle of separation from and parallelism towards the Judiciary [Articles 219(2) of the CPR, Articles 2 and 96(1) of the Statute of the Public Prosecution Service (SPPS). The PPS’s autonomy is characterized by its being bound by legality and objectivity criteria and by the exclusive submission of public prosecutors to the directives, orders and instructions laid down by the SPPS (Article 3(2)). 

Although the PPS is granted competences other than the jurisdictional ones or competences that are not limited to those recognised to the courts, it pertains to the judicial power and participates autonomously in the administration of justice. In spite of the fact that the PPS’s most recognizable powers are exercised within the criminal field, its polymorphic nature gives rise to a broaden intervention spectrum. Without prejudice to the other tasks laid down by the law, it is especially incumbent on the PPS to implement the statutory duties provided for in Article 4 of the SPPS. 

  • to defend democratic legality 
  • to represent the State, the Autonomous Regions, the local authorities, the persons lacking legal capacity, the persons having no permanent residence and those whose whereabouts are unknown; 
  • to take part in the enforcement of criminal policy as defined by the organs of sovereignty; 
  • to prosecute pursuant to the principle of legality; 
  • to conduct criminal investigation and prevention activities that, within the scope of its competences, it is responsible for carrying out or promoting, assisted, whenever necessary, by criminal police bodies; 
  • to take legal action in administrative litigation to defend the public interest, fundamental rights and administrative legality; 
  • to represent ex-officio the workers and their families in view of the defence of their social rights; 
  • to defend the collective and diffuse interests in the cases falling within the law; 
  • to assume, under the law, the defence and promotion of the rights and interests of children, youth, the elderly, adults with reduced ability, and other especially vulnerable persons;

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