- Public Prosecution Service in the Country
- Prosecutor General's Office
- Organization chart
- Palmela Palace
- What we do
- Where we are
- Statute (in portuguese)
Upon taking office as Prosecutor General for the Portuguese Republic I wish to express my utmost pride in leading the Public Prosecution Service - our common project. I am fully convinced that a successful exercise of the powers granted to this magistracy strongly depends on the technically irreprehensible, coordinated and loyal conduct of all bodies and agents thereof.
The responsibility I have just taken on implies the respect for the guiding principles of this magistracy, such as the autonomy – corner stone of the democratic Rule of Law -, for the human values in general and for Justice in particular oriented towards the interests of the community.
The structuring of the Public Prosecution Service as a collective achievement lies on an heritage that has been shaped over the years, in particular since the establishment of the democratic regime, and presupposes hard labour, dedication, transparency and a dignifying posture, postulates in the pursuit of which I vow to fully commit myself.
The Prosecutor General for the Republic,
Lucília Gago